Thursday, July 30, 2009

From Sandra Vadasz

1st Day out in the Field! (July 22, 2009)
Family, friends, and blog followers, Let me begin by telling you a little story. It happened yesterday...

After a long morning at the health clinic, Shauna (a Canadian student in our group) and I were making our way up the road for lunch. For those of you who don't know me, I am an animal lover. I like all animals and I would not like harming any insect. Hence I along with Yoav (an Israeli from the group who shares my love for bugs) are the official "spider savers." A spider savers job description includes retrieving spiders, or any creepy crawler for that matter, from rooms upon request (or more realistically upon shriek!). After the spider is collected we place it outside in its natural habitat.
That being said, even before leaving Toronto I was extremely excited to see on animal in particular... the MONKEYS!!
Continuing our trek to lunch Shauna and I discuss our mornings. All of a sudden I hear some rustling coming from the trees to my left. I look up and what do I see??!! A family of monkeys! Am other and her two adorably cute babies, the father monkey was sitting out on the ground at the base of the tree.
My eyes lit up as my body filled with excitement. My knapsack quickly fell of my back and like the good little tourist within seconds I have my camera in my hand.
As if I don't look touristy enough with my white skin, blond hair and blue eyes, there I was standing on the road side talking to monkeys in my most annoying cutesy baby talk voice, snapping away, looking for the perfect shot.
Since the father monkey was on the floor he was the closest to me. I knelt down to his level. There is was my perfect monkey photo. In my mind I was imagining how impressed my friends would be. The praises were echoing in my ear: "You were so close to those adorable monkeys" Thinking about their "Ooos" and "awws" allowed my mind to drift temporarily.
M finger was about to press down on the shutter when... a loud growl, swinging monkey arms and a very angry monkey face was chasing me up the hill.
My heart immediately sped up to a million miles a minute. Shauna, further ahead of me was also running for her life. "I'm about to get bit by a monkey, it's going to hurt... really really badly. I hope my mom won't be worried... what WILL my grandparents, who might I add were not exactly gung ho about their precious little grandchild travelling to India, say? (Definitely multiply oy oy oy's and perhaps some Hungarian swear words at the very least). My mind was racing with all those thoughts. I was convinced that the one thought to be my smooshy, wooshy, friendly weindly banana eating brother was about to take a chunk out of my arm. It was inevitable. I stop running and started walking slowly, really to take the hit.
5 seconds, 10 seconds, no monkey!
Laughter. Laughter?? Laughter! The locals were obviously watching me as I ran for my life from a monkey. I guess it serves the annoying tourist right... I mean if someone were doing that to me I would want to bit their face off too. Shauna and I burst into hysterical laughter. I walked the rest of the way to lunch with my head down and beads of sweat rolling off my face.
Now today, today is another story. It's one thing for the monkeys to mess with me, but another for them to mess with my favourite 78 year old patient, Momo Tashi Chonzon.
Doing our daily rounds, nurse Tanzin and I climbed the steep wet steps towards Momo Chonzon's humble abode (Momo means grandmother, we call our elders either Momo or Popo out of respect). Panting, hunched over with my hands on my knees I thought to myself. "How on earth can a 78 year old do this??" Unwillingly I continued to walk until we reached an iron fence, it was open, we proceeded. We were met by an angry Tibetan dog with a pink fluffy dirty collar. Usually Momo comes out to save us from the wrath of the deranged, odd looking creature. There was no Momo in sight, so we press on with her rickety metal ladder like steps.
The door was open and Momo was sitting on her bed. When our eyes met I was staring back at the saddest puppy dog eyes I have ever seen. I rushed to her side and looked questioning at her trying to figure out what was upsetting her. Since I don't speak Tibetan Tanzine, the nurse, started with the basic questions. After we found out that her entire body hurt (in much more detail then this but I'll spare you) she fell silent.
My father always taught me that when everything is wrong with someone, usually they are quite healthy. I convinced Tanzine to stay longer even though we still had five more patients to see.
Finally, after forcing me to eat cookies she got at the temple and a large glass of butter tea (you read correctly, it's basically water boiled with salty butter and milk, which by the way I do not like at ALL but have to drink with a smile on my face since it is rude to refuse food from an elder).
Momo broke down. As tiny tear drops fell from her tiny eyes, down her tiny face my heart broke. Momo began to sign to me waving her arms in the air furiously. She got up and started running around her house. I turned to Tanzine begging her to translate quickly. "Monkeys" she said. "They came in through the window, five of them."
It turns out that right when Momo returned from grocery shopping at the market, five monkeys stole her newly purchased rice and tomatoes.
She returned from her kitchen cupping the one tomato and tipped bag of rice that she was able to snatch back from the monkeys. This means that she will have to wait until next week in order to buy more vegetables. Vegetable are expensive and not everyone can afford to buy them.
Now I really have a bone, or better yet a banana to pick with these monkey creatures! I advised Momo to keep her windows and door shut during the day and open them during the night. I gave her a hug and put my hands in front of my heart and said "Tashi Delek" and left for my decent down the mountain to visit more patients (Tashi Delek means hello, goodbye and peace, exactly like Shalom)
After we finished our rounds I found out that many of our patients were not eating enough fruits and vegetable due to lack of monetary funds.
The fact that I had pent up anger towards monkeys and the fact that I am a fruit and vegetable freak made me spring into action. Tanzine took me to check out the prices of these nutrient filled, vitamin packed delicacies. Half a pound of tomatoes were 60 cents. I went on a fruit and vegetable buying rampage.... don't worry dad it ended up being a whooping five dollars... necessities are necessities just like the scarves, skirts, wall hangings, sandals and dresses I bought.. money is no object when it comes to necessities... right dad? Dad? Hello? Oh no.
Moving on, I started to distribute tomatoes, cucumber, mango and papaya to my patients who looked like a vitamin boost was essential. They were elated! I felt like a little fairy prancing around town shaking my fairy dust on whom ever needed help.
Feeling inspired and full of joy, my ambitious brain forced my lazy legs to climb back up the mountain. Tomatoes and papaya in hand, Tanzine and I finally reached Momo Chonzon's front door (thankfully the yappy monster of a dog was out with its owner).
I handed Momo the goods, she was so thankful I can't begin to describe it in words. She had the chance to offer my butter tea, I made sure Tanzine informed her that we were in a hurry.
Although Momo did manage to feed me a biscuit I left feeling rewarded and now had a permanent invitation to my favourite Momo's place. I was able to bring my friends, fruit and vegetables and in return it brought happiness.
I can't thank my patients enough for letting me into their homes and being unexceptionally kind towards me. Spending time with Momo I have learned that she is one tough woman... so monkeys, WATCH OUT!


  1. the Jew in the Lotus?
    Wherever you go, there you are!

  2. I was impessed with all of your comments. sandra your decription of the monkey chase was so clear that I imagined myself running away too. All of the blogs were well done . You were all given a piece of India and in return you have given your hearts. Hopefully litle by little the love between all people will resonate and the Tebetian people will see freedom once more. Eva
